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NHS Friends and Family Test

NHS Friends and Family Test The NHS Friends and Family Test is a simple, anonymous way for patients to give feedback after receiving care or treatment. It’s used across the NHS to help understand if patients are happy with our services or where improvement is needed.

Find your NHS Number

Find your NHS Number Your NHS number is unique to you. It’s a 10-digit number that helps everyone in the NHS identify you and match your details to your health record. Knowing your NHS number can save you time when accessing NHS services. If you need your NHS number, you can find it in your … Continued

Prescriptions: Who pays what?

Prescriptions: Who pays what? In England, there can be a cost when you need prescribed medication. Prescriptions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are free. Some items are also free, such as contraception or medicine prescribed when you are staying in hospital. Standard Costs As of 1st May 2024, the standard cost of an NHS … Continued

Vaccinations, Immunisations and Inoculations

Vaccinations, Immunisations and Inoculations Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. They work by training your immune system to develop antibodies that protect you from disease. All vaccines are extensively researched and tested before they are approved for use. Their effectiveness and side effects are also regularly monitored. Existing vaccines are also … Continued