Medicines A-Z
Medicines A to Z Visit the Medicines A to Z page on the NHS website to find out about hundreds of types of medication.
Medicines A to Z Visit the Medicines A to Z page on the NHS website to find out about hundreds of types of medication.
What to do when you are unwell If you need medical advice, it might not always be obvious the best way to get it, especially if you’re unwell, in pain or in distress. We want to make it as simple as possible for you to get the right help as soon as possible. You can … Continued
Translators and Interpreters The NHS is obliged to make all possible efforts to communicate effectively with patients. This requirement includes meeting patients needs in a language other than English. Reducing communication barriers leads to better and safer diagnoses, prescriptions and combats health inequalities. All NHS services providers – whether it is us in the practice, … Continued
Getting your NHS data with a Subject Access Request You have a right to see your complete medical records and how the NHS has shared your information. There are different ways to do this. Your Medical Records Your complete medical records, including copies of letters sent to and from us, scans, x-rays and notes, … Continued
Referrals What do we mean by referrals? A referral is when your GP wants the help of a specialist to decide how best to treat you. Specialists can carry out tests and investigations that we cannot do in practice. The Doctor will discuss the reasons for referring you and if you are happy to be … Continued
Sexual Health The NHS has a range of free, confidential sexual health services. These services cover contraception, testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), and advice on unplanned pregnancies. You can use any of these services even if you are under 16 years old. If you are aged 13 or older, you have the same rights … Continued
What is screening? The NHS has a comprehensive screening plan designed to identify if you are at higher risk of developing several health problems. Risk factors can exist without symptoms, so screening targets otherwise healthy people. Screening means increased risk can be identified and treated early, reducing the chance of the conditions developing. When … Continued
Think Pharmacy First Your local community Pharmacist offers far more services than just medication collection. They can offer advice and treatment for a range of conditions and minor illnesses. You don’t need an appointment. You can just turn up. Many pharmacies are open in the evenings and weekends, too, giving you quicker, more flexible … Continued
Ear syringing Ear irrigation – also known as syringing – is no longer considered the first-line treatment for clearing ear wax. This means the NHS no longer funds it in General Practice as other methods are preferred. Self Help options Current guidelines are that ear drops should be used to soften the wax. … Continued
District Nurses District Nurses take care of people in the community rather than in hospitals. Typically, they will visit patients in their homes or residential care homes. For patients who have physical disabilities or life-limiting illnesses and their families, District Nurses are an essential source of support. Their clinical skills provide people with vital care … Continued